Monday, April 11, 2011

New web page

I have a new web page! check it out at-

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Aero Toro

Here is a new sculpture I completed a few weeks ago called Aero Toro. This is the second piece in my Toro series I have one more planned so far so stay tuned for updates. With the weather turning here in MN it's becoming much harder to get out to the studio. I'll try to post more soon.

Friday, September 22, 2006

New small Stainless

Here is a pic of some new small stainless sculptures I just finished. I ran my stainless gas dry finishing these so I son't expect any new stainless piecs for a awhile. Stainless is beautiful but I hate working with it. Everything takes twice as long and It really puts a strain on the tools and myself.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

New Sculptures

Oops... I forgot to add the new sculptures. They are all in progress but I find it intresting to view them in this state.

New and Old sculptures

Here are a few sculpture that I recently installed around the yard. The big stainless one is called 9 over 8 and I modified it from it's original concept. I cut about 5 feet of height off of it. I think it's much better in it's current form. This has also been a really hard sculpture to place but where it's currently places is perfect. It really stands out against the dark woods...Nice!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Bat in the house

We had a bat in the house yesterday. He ended up in the kitchen sink and we were able to get him safely outside. He climbed up an oak tree and dried off, that's where I was able to get this photo of him. This is such an interesting photo I thought I'd share it here. I'm thinking about incorporating a bat into one of my next sculptures.

Photo Dump

Last weekend I was finally able to install some of my sculptures. I made some concrete bases that I will anchor the pieces to. I took some picture this morning and thought I would add them to the site.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

workin on yet another sculpture

Here are a few pictures of my latest sculpture called Areo Toro. It's still pretty rough but it should clean up nicely.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Toro is complete!

I completed my latest sculpture last night. I added a clear gloss lacquer coating last night. I took these photos today at our photo studio at adobe then brought the sculpture to the MN state fair art competion. I'm pretty happy with the resullts.